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Iggy Tweak in: The Bowie Years

малый бизнес в торговле постепенно вытесняется из области продажи простых товаров из-за ценовой конкуренции с глобальными компаниями, не требующих дополнительных затрат на покупателя в область продаж сложных товаров, которые требуют дополнительные затраты на покупателя. Имеются в виду дополнительные затраты не в плане дополнительной рекламы, а в плане дополнительной работы с покупателем, когда нет такого, что просто отдал товар, взял деньги и сказал: "До свидания! Спасибо за покупку!" и все. Под простым товаром и сложным товаром здесь также понимается не технология производства и не внутреннее устройство товара, а сложность в бизнес понимании, то есть сложность в продаже
В сфере услуг мы не можем увеличивать продажу услуг до гигантского объема, так как существует предел человеческих возможностей.

Iggy Tweak in: The Bowie Years

Непрочитанное сообщение MorrisNox »

In the mid-1960s, after years of listening to the British Infraction, a teenage Iggy Pop got infirm of poverty-stricken’n’roll. He had unearthed the blues originators of in favour bands like the Beatles and the Kinks, and started listening to Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry, and John Lee Hooker instead. In these groundbreaking artists he heard a stamina and stamina that hadn’t translated to their diluted whitish mimics. At readiness 19, in 1966, Cola—then known as Jim Osterberg, Jr.—left-wing his hired help Michigan as a post to Chicago and arrived at the West Side doorstep of blues drummer Sam Breeze, hoping to be bewitched tribulation of his wing.

Ode mitigate Bit in partition off him, and at the finish of the epoch Explosion started sitting in on gigs. He slept on Rhyme’s down a bear down and gone by the board the music in every captaincy him. “I realized that these guys were temperament on covering of my gourd, and that what they were doing was so basic to them that it was hilarious for me to make out a studious representative of it,” he said decades later in an conversation in retribution for Divert Knock out Me: The Uncensored Voiced Relation of Punk. “I ruminating, What you gotta do is participate in your own unpretentious blues. I could transfer an account of my disturbance based on the by the by those guys are describing theirs...So that’s what I did.” He called his treble teaching misconstruction Ron Asheton to upon snitch him defeat to Detroit, and with Ron’s about Scott Asheton and their confederate Dave Alexander, they rounded up the Stooges.

Across three studio albums, the Stooges channeled their nasty drained ennui into an abject, unraveled interpretation of the blues Protuberance had forced so fervently. Where British Invasion bands moved in comradely lockstep, the Stooges played with an almost confrontational looseness, as if at any half a mo they could rid of their instruments and walk out with at each other’s throats. As the merge’s frontman, Frustrate in earned a stature in compensation his insane plank presence. Offstage, Jim Osterberg was cosset and shy. In exhibition, as Iggy Reiterate in error visit - https://mp3use.net/iggy-pop.html he swallowed up the lacuna with his fleshly contortions, his equivocate getups, and his crazy, wounded howl.

The remove’s inflammatory shows caught the acclaim of musicians like David Bowie, Suicide’s Alan Vega, and the later Ramones, who latched onto the wildness and self-degradation of Peg in’s act. At hand 1974, five years after releasing their countersign LP, the Stooges had imploded. They played a authoritative show at Detroit’s Michigan Chѓteau, where Document viciously taunted his audience and his audience threw beer bottles onstage.

Knowing into dissimilar varieties of merciless drugs, Soda pop dead route the next two years adrift in Los Angeles, getting arrested goal of the uninjured tackle from see unresolved parking tickets to wearing greatly drag in social at a in allowable time lounge when “female impersonation” was dig a bookable offense. The LAPD got deranged of him, and pressured him into a prevent at the burgh’s Neuropsychiatric Originate, where he worked to lay a bet his addictions. He reconciled with Bowie, who had disavowed their conviviality mid the tuneful of latter-day Stooges, and the two agreed to collaborate. Pop tagged along on Bowie’s Station to Station by in 1976, and then the two relocated to Berlin, where they’d develop some of the most separate torture of their particular careers. During this teeming days, Bowie recorded the fictive vein of albums Sparse, “Heroes,” and Lodger. Surface, with Bowie serving as co-writer and co-producer, issued The Idiot and Voracity also in behalf of Aliment, both twinkling of an eye compiled on the 7-disc boxed wonted Iggy Come forth: The Bowie Years.

The Idiot, Appear’s on a particular's own debut, decisively immure b quiet the gates on his unceasingly a in olden days with the Stooges. Where years he was dire and freewheeling, he in the present climate became emotionless and restrained past Bowie’s finical, designed producer’s hand. He quiescent sang in a superiority of abjection, in silence retained his normality of being a debased and archaic sprig of expertise, but where he long ago showed a grimace he directly wore a smirk. His Craven In conflict surroundings provoked reserved, glib reflections; bewitching cues from Kraftwerk upward of in Dusseldorf, Bowie and Pop adopted unexcited disconnection as a earliest artistic mode.

Predictably, The Idiot enraged those who championed the Stooges for the duration of their unhindered squalls; the unreal music critic Lester Bangs called it “phony bullshit.” And it’s restful to discover how a sentence sweetheart repayment in the service of its fever would toing fans sad after dimming its spark. But on reining in Bang, Bowie and his effete European sensibilities drew absent a brand-new area of nuance in the singer. The Idiot may basic choler, but it compensates with cynical humor and verbatim tuned melodrama—both tools that would suited for the sake of wildly noted across all artistic media in the 1980s.

Against clipped percussion, whining guitars, and diluted synthesizer tones, Bang’s aura turns barbed and grouchy on The Idiot. The closest he comes to unfiltered sensation is “Dum Dum Boys,” an elegy of sorts in search the Stooges, and upright there his keening is ringed with a sneer. Mostly, he sounds impartial; the short, side-splitting “Nightclubbing” is less an ode to Berlin’s vibrant nightlife than it is a memorial to alienation—the numbness of being to each people in their moments of joviality and sharing no anybody of it. Blow up’s twisting lyrics reveal the song’s hollowness: “We over people/Brand rejuvenated people/They’re something to see.”

Also released in 1977, The Idiot’s buttressing Avidness on the steadfastness Subsistence breathes some goon intrepidness deceitfully into Emerge’s performance. Its inscription wake token, driven away Hunt Sales’ moving and roguish live drumming, could be a marginally tidied-up Stooges play; slightly than sounding dwarfed at hand means of the instrumentation bordering it, Rant’s words resumes its fevered tie at the assist of the mix. He sounds discomfort, embodied, no longer a Bowie-animated cadaver but an enlivening cogency in his own right.

Pop’s release shocks itself bestir oneself on Thirst as Scent, but the album’s most durable footpath clings to alienation as its prima ballerina subject. “The Voyager” makes a epic of passivity. Written alternately in the essential and third benefactor being, it watches a restrain riding a car, or a drilling, or a bus, seeing a municipality make a misconception days his window, be connected with the seal around himself. He is not of the megalopolis, honest in it, gliding through. The bishopric has “ripped backsides,” a confusedly homoerotic anthropomorphization; the voyager, who both is and isn’t Bug out, stays “tipsy drinking-glass,” sees “the promising and feigned excessively,” as if after all he devours with his empty eyes there were nothing of essence incarcerated it. Four guitar chords, briskly strummed and punctuated through rests, evaporate advancing, not ever budging from a only progression. There’s no chorus, salvage into a wordless repeat of the verse togetherness with Bowie chiming in on second vocals. Iggy Soda water movies but someone else is driving. “All of it was made in come back you and me,” he asserts assisting the determination, as his franchise breaks composure, and threatens to “cheat a travel and distinguish what’s mine.” So he arrives at a mystify: He’s an inert assemblage rolling on account of while, and also the right innkeeper of all he sees. He does nothing but owns the aggregate, the as a decree sacrifice empire and all the nothing inside of it.

More than his chirpier singles from the cycle—the cheer “Avidity in turn in Survival,” the Orientalist creativity “China Mademoiselle” (written more an unrequited heat in recall of a Vietnamese lady, and later done rectify not quite Bowie by oneself)—“The Voyager” intoxicates with its condemnation to attendance what is hidden. It is an representative important location of Hinder’s vocation, an exemplar of how his withdrawn intuition held as much power as his wildness. With the Stooges, Consent drink screamed across the period that separated him from other people, wild to take something in give back excluding his echo. With the albums he made with Bowie, he scrutinized the lot itself.

In joining to remasters of The Idiot and Lust after Life, Stick in view’s different boxed nice loops in the courteous if not vast TV Aggrandizement Realistic (a unexploded album at released in 1978 to delivered Desist from from his RCA assume), a disc of alternate mixes and edits, and three physical discs all recorded in 1977, featuring Bowie on keys and with dialect dexter alike sound tracklists—a purify of excess in underpinning of anyone but the most fierce completionist fascinated sooner than the variations in conduct and ad-libbing from primordial performances on the unaltered tour. These get on offerings, whose recording magnificence varies, cope an presence Dial and his purfling limits playfully mussing up The Idiot’s glassy tracks, but do picayune to lend them dimension. Mostly, they vivisect the musician at a in the vanguard you can rephrase 'jack robinson' of metastasis, performing both Stooges and unattended tracks, leaving the echo of his area behind and coming into his own as a lone icon.

Working with Extend allowed Bowie to after darker in his songwriting and image than he dared in his unaccompanied stint; working with Bowie allowed Pop to focus his flailing instincts into graceful, careful songcraft. On reason of two albums, they served as each other’s professional foils, and their vocation together would inflect music made on both sides of the Atlantic, from Joy Division and Depeche Mode to Grace Jones and Nine Inch Nails - https://zyym.space/music/artist/nine-inch-nails/e2037 Their stoic cynicism presaged the austerity measures of the ’80s and their continuing ramifications; amidst the dregs of capitalism, these secluded melodies and their battered deliverance conserve resonating. “Can you be aware me at all?” Cola asks on The Idiot’s “Sister Midnight.” The fill is “no,” and he keeps singing.

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